The Fourth Turning Pdf Free 43 =LINK=
While writing Generations, Strauss and Howe described a theorized pattern in the historical generations they examined, which they say revolved around generational events which they call turnings. In Generations, and in greater detail in The Fourth Turning, they describe a four-stage cycle of social or mood eras which they call "turnings". The turnings include: "The High", "The Awakening", "The Unraveling" and "The Crisis".[2]
The Fourth Turning Pdf Free 43
Generational change drives the cycle of turnings and determines its periodicity. As each generation ages into the next life phase (and a new social role) society's mood and behavior fundamentally change, giving rise to a new turning. Therefore, a symbiotic relationship exists between historical events and generational personas. Historical events shape generations in childhood and young adulthood; then, as parents and leaders in midlife and old age, generations in turn shape history.[41]
Each of the four turnings has a distinct mood that recurs every saeculum. Strauss and Howe describe these turnings as the "seasons of history". At one extreme is the Awakening, which is analogous to summer, and at the other extreme is the Crisis, which is analogous to winter. The turnings in between are transitional seasons, the High and the Unraveling are similar to spring and autumn, respectively.[42] Strauss and Howe have discussed 26 theorized turnings over 7 saecula in Anglo-American history, from the year 1435 through today.
In their book, The Fourth Turning, however, Strauss and Howe say that the precise boundaries of generations and turnings are erratic. The generational rhythm is not like certain simple, inorganic cycles in physics or astronomy, where time and periodicity can be predicted to the second. Instead, it resembles the complex, organic cycles of biology, where basic intervals endure but precise timing is difficult to predict. Strauss and Howe compare the saecular rhythm to the four seasons, which they say similarly occur in the same order, but with slightly varying timing. Just as winter may come sooner or later, and be more or less severe in any given year, the same is true of a Fourth Turning in any given saeculum.[71]
The most racking pangs succeeded: a grinding in the bones, deadly nausea, and ahorror of the spirit that cannot be exceeded at the hour of birth or death.Then these agonies began swiftly to subside, and I came to myself as if out ofa great sickness. There was something strange in my sensations, somethingindescribably new and, from its very novelty, incredibly sweet. I felt younger,lighter, happier in body; within I was conscious of a heady recklessness, acurrent of disordered sensual images running like a millrace in my fancy, asolution of the bonds of obligation, an unknown but not an innocent freedom ofthe soul. I knew myself, at the first breath of this new life, to be morewicked, tenfold more wicked, sold a slave to my original evil; and the thought,in that moment, braced and delighted me like wine. I stretched out my hands,exulting in the freshness of these sensations; and in the act, I was suddenlyaware that I had lost in stature.
Yes, I preferred the elderly and discontented doctor, surrounded by friends andcherishing honest hopes; and bade a resolute farewell to the liberty, thecomparative youth, the light step, leaping impulses and secret pleasures, thatI had enjoyed in the disguise of Hyde. I made this choice perhaps with someunconscious reservation, for I neither gave up the house in Soho, nor destroyedthe clothes of Edward Hyde, which still lay ready in my cabinet. For twomonths, however, I was true to my determination; for two months, I led a lifeof such severity as I had never before attained to, and enjoyed thecompensations of an approving conscience. But time began at last to obliteratethe freshness of my alarm; the praises of conscience began to grow into a thingof course; I began to be tortured with throes and longings, as of Hydestruggling after freedom; and at last, in an hour of moral weakness, I onceagain compounded and swallowed the transforming draught.
I was stepping leisurely across the court after breakfast, drinking the chillof the air with pleasure, when I was seized again with those indescribablesensations that heralded the change; and I had but the time to gain the shelterof my cabinet, before I was once again raging and freezing with the passions ofHyde. It took on this occasion a double dose to recall me to myself; and alas!six hours after, as I sat looking sadly in the fire, the pangs returned, andthe drug had to be re-administered. In short, from that day forth it seemedonly by a great effort as of gymnastics, and only under the immediatestimulation of the drug, that I was able to wear the countenance of Jekyll. Atall hours of the day and night, I would be taken with the premonitory shudder;above all, if I slept, or even dozed for a moment in my chair, it was always asHyde that I awakened. Under the strain of this continually impending doom andby the sleeplessness to which I now condemned myself, ay, even beyond what Ihad thought possible to man, I became, in my own person, a creature eaten upand emptied by fever, languidly weak both in body and mind, and solely occupiedby one thought: the horror of my other self. But when I slept, or when thevirtue of the medicine wore off, I would leap almost without transition (forthe pangs of transformation grew daily less marked) into the possession of afancy brimming with images of terror, a soul boiling with causeless hatreds,and a body that seemed not strong enough to contain the raging energies oflife. The powers of Hyde seemed to have grown with the sickliness of Jekyll.And certainly the hate that now divided them was equal on each side. WithJekyll, it was a thing of vital instinct. He had now seen the full deformity ofthat creature that shared with him some of the phenomena of consciousness, andwas co-heir with him to death: and beyond these links of community, which inthemselves made the most poignant part of his distress, he thought of Hyde, forall his energy of life, as of something not only hellish but inorganic. Thiswas the shocking thing; that the slime of the pit seemed to utter cries andvoices; that the amorphous dust gesticulated and sinned; that what was dead,and had no shape, should usurp the offices of life. And this again, that thatinsurgent horror was knit to him closer than a wife, closer than an eye; laycaged in his flesh, where he heard it mutter and felt it struggle to be born;and at every hour of weakness, and in the confidence of slumber, prevailedagainst him, and deposed him out of life. The hatred of Hyde for Jekyll was ofa different order. His terror of the gallows drove him continually to committemporary suicide, and return to his subordinate station of a part instead of aperson; but he loathed the necessity, he loathed the despondency into whichJekyll was now fallen, and he resented the dislike with which he was himselfregarded. Hence the ape-like tricks that he would play me, scrawling in my ownhand blasphemies on the pages of my books, burning the letters and destroyingthe portrait of my father; and indeed, had it not been for his fear of death,he would long ago have ruined himself in order to involve me in the ruin. Buthis love of life is wonderful; I go further: I, who sicken and freeze at the merethought of him, when I recall the abjection and passion of this attachment, andwhen I know how he fears my power to cut him off by suicide, I find it in myheart to pity him.
To be eligible for premium-free Part A, an individual must be entitled to receive Medicare based on their own earnings or those of a spouse, parent, or child. To receive premium-free Part A, the worker must have a specified number of quarters of coverage (QCs) and file an application for Social Security or Railroad Retirement Board (RRB) benefits. The exact number of QCs required is dependent on whether the person is filing for Part A on the basis of age, disability, or End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD). QCs are earned through payment of payroll taxes under the Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA) during the person's working years. Most individuals pay the full FICA tax so the QCs they earn can be used to meet the requirements for both monthly Social Security benefits and premium-free Part A.
NOTE: Certain Federal, State, and local government employees pay only the Part A portion of the FICA tax. The QCs they earn can be used only to meet the requirements for premium-free Part A; they may not be used to meet the requirements for monthly Social Security benefits.
An individual who is receiving monthly Social Security or RRB benefits, at least 4 months prior to turning age 65, does not need to file a separate application to become entitled to premium-free Part A. In this case, the individual will get Part A automatically at age 65.
Part A coverage begins the month the individual turns age 65, provided he or she files an application for Part A (or for Social Security or RRB benefits) within 6 months of the month in which he or she becomes age 65. If the application is filed more than 6 months after turning age 65, Part A coverage will be retroactive for 6 months.
Individuals already receiving Social Security or RRB benefits at least 4 months before being eligible for Medicare and residing in the United States (except residents of Puerto Rico) are automatically enrolled in both premium-free Part A and Part B. People who are automatically enrolled have the choice of whether they want to keep or refuse Part B coverage. People living in Puerto Rico who are eligible for automatic enrollment are only enrolled in premium-free Part A; they must actively enroll in Part B to get this coverage.
Part B is a voluntary program that requires the payment of a monthly premium for all parts of coverage. Eligibility rules for Part B depend on whether a person is eligible for premium-free Part A or whether the individual has to pay a premium for Part A coverage.